The Power of a Compliment

Zi Dobre
2 min readSep 18, 2020

The Power of a Compliment

These times are unprecedented. With all the additional complications these trying times have created, we need to find ways to unite and restore relationships. When life presents these challenges it is important to focus on the things we have control of. One investment that will yield the largest return is the developing strong bonds with friends and family. Isolation can be so destructive to the soul, whereas affection and communication can heal the grandest of wombs.

Have kind words ever lifted your spirits? With the correct timing and approach a genuine compliment can move mountains. In these times we need to be steadfast in the Love we have for our family, friends, neighbors and strangers. Consider being a light in this world. Compliments are free, and should be distributed with generosity. Like a mustard seed, each properly planted compliment has limitless potential. Be bold and courage in your deliverance. Your Father above will be so proud of you.

Like a Tsunami your little ripple of an action could have a reaction beyond your comprehension. Why not be a hero to everyone you come in contact with? To the clerk at the gas station that is in a loveless relationship, your smile or noticing her finger nail color could make a difference. For a spouse dealing with insecurities, your kind words about her hair could be a life line. Maybe it’s a child that is feeling broken, take some interest in them, make them feel they are noticed. These opportunities are available to you every day, seize them with vigilance.

Consider what the Lord would say if they met for dinner. My dear child, so beautiful and perfect in every way. I think of you all the time and I want the best for you. Your name is written on my hand and I have this list of all the little efforts you have made on my behalf. Share your gift and be a light in this world. I will always love you



Zi Dobre

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